Battery Storage

Reasons to choose Battery Storage

  • COMPLIMENTS Renewable Energy Generation – Solar PV modules generate energy when the sun is shining.  The brighter and more intense the sun, the more generation.  So if you need that energy while the sun is shining, then great.  But if not, the energy will be exported back to the grid.  Battery storage allows you to capture that energy, store it and then use it later when it is needed.  In many cases, a well designed system will capture enough energy to last you through the night.
  • GRID Stability – Battery storage can help the grid to respond to changes in supply and demand more smoothly, which is important especially when the grid is under pressure.
  • BACKUP power – Battery storage can provide a reliable source of power during emergencies and outages, such as natural disasters or grid failures.
  • REDUCE your Carbon Footprint – Using more of your home generated energy via your battery storage can help reduce your home’s carbon footprint and make you self-sufficient.
  • REDUCE your electricity bills – Again, using more of your home generated energy via your battery storage means you do not need so much from your supplier and so you will reduce your electricity bills.
  • Energy INDEPENDENCE – Battery storage can help you reduce or even eliminate your reliance on traditional power grids and energy providers.
  • REVENUE generation – Battery storage can help you generate revenue in energy markets and you can make greater savings on your electricity bills by buying cheaper rate, usually night time energy for use during the day when the rate is significantly more. 

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Price range

We include the cost of a suitably sized battery system with all our solar PV quotations because we believe combining these technologies offers the best performance and value for money.

For customers with an existing solar PV system or limited space for solar panels, we provide an AC-Coupled Battery Storage System. This stand-alone solution delivers all the benefits of energy storage without the need for additional solar installations.

Battery system costs vary depending on the selected products. Many systems are modular, enabling you to expand storage capacity as needed. We typically recommend starting with a smaller, conservatively sized system. This allows you to monitor its performance over a year and decide later if expansion is necessary.

For a personalised quote, feel free to contact us—we’re here to help.