Solar PV Panels
Reasons to choose Solar PV
- Savings – All the energy generated by the system can be used free of charge in the property thereby reducing your electric bill.
Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) – It is not always possible to use all the energy that you generate and so surplus energy will be exported back to the grid, however, the Smart Export Guarantee will pay you for the surplus that you export.
- Energy Performance – The energy performance rating of your property will improve. Typically the EPC rating can rise by 11 points after installing a 2.5kWp system. This is enough to lift a property from Band D to B, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
- Hot Water – You can use your generated solar energy to heat your hot water via your immersion heater, which also helps to reduce you gas or oil bills. This is best done by using a Solar IBOOST device which only uses the surplus generated energy that would otherwise be exported back to the grid.
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging – If you own an EV, then solar PV is an excellent way to charge your vehicle. Most EV chargers will monitor your PV output. When it senses a surplus it will send the energy to the vehicle.
- Maintenance Free – Once solar PV is installed it just sits on your roof and gets on with its job. There are no moving parts and so it is virtually maintenance free which means no nasty ongoing maintenance bills to pay.
- Reduce your personal carbon footprint – In addition to all the benefits above, you will be reducing your carbon footprint and so doing your bit to save the planet.
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Price range
The installation price varies depending on the size of the system, the type of products installed and site specific requirements. But typically we can install a 10 panel domestic system with battery storage from £6,000. Such a system could generate between 3-4,000 kWh over the year and so make a significant difference to your energy bill.
Battery storage is not essential and in the odd case is not required, but for the vast majority of domestic installations, battery storage is a game changer. It allows you to capture the energy that you generate and more importantly it then allows you to use that energy when you need it.
If you already have a PV install and are considering adding batteries, then you have a couple of options and we would be delighted to discuss these with you. But also you can check out our section on ‘Battery Storage’